

2010년 오디션 - 국제무용교육기관 P.A.R.T.S(2009/11/18)

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국제무용교육기관 P.A.R.T.S

2010년도 오디션 공지



▪ 2010년 봄 오디션

2009년 10월29일

PARTS는 트레이닝 과정과 연구 과정을 위하여 오디션을 연다.

다음번의 예선과 마지막 오디션은 2010년 봄에 이루어질 것이다.

예선은 세계적으로 조직되어졌고, 최종 오디션은 브뤼셀에서 이루어진다.

트레이닝 과정을 예선을 위하여 날짜와 장소는 자유로이 사용될 수 있다.

(사이트 참조:http://www.parts.be/Home/audition/tabid/70/language/fr-BE/Default.aspx)


사이트상 등록양식은 11월에 개설된다. 이 양식을 통해서면 예선을 신청할 수 있다. 고로, 후보자 신청서를 이메일로 보낼시, 등록이 불가능 하다.

연구 과정을 예선을 위한 자세한 사항은 추후에 공지 될 것이다. 

오디션에대한 최근의 소식을 알고 싶다면 아래의 주소로 메일을 보내십시오.


▪ 학생정원

트레이닝 과정 :  최대 35명

연구과정 :  22명 전후. 트레이닝 과정을 완벽히 수료한 학생들은 연구 과정 입학을 위하여 오디션을 새로 치루어야 한다.

▪ 입학조건

트레이닝 과정 : 최소 18세, 최대 24세.

후보자들은 고등학교 졸업 증서 취득자여야 한다.

예선은 모든 사람들이 치를 수 있다. 다른 참가 조건은 없다. 단지 예전에 참가한 후보자들만 최종 오디션에 참가할 수 있다.

연구 과정 :  최소 21세, 최대 26세.

후보자들은 무용분야 학사 취득자여야 한다.

▪ 학습 언어

선생님들과 학생들은 다양한 국적 소지자로 PARTS의 수업은 영어로 진행된다.

교육을 시작하는 모든 학생들은 이 언어에 대한 최소의 지식이 있어야 한다. 영어에 대한 수준은 최종 오디션에서 확인되어질 것이다.

▪ 오디션

최종 오디션에 참가한 학생들만이 PARTS 교육을 시작할 수 있다.

PART의 새로운 과정은 단지 2년간 이루어지며, 오디션은 또한 2년마다 있다. 2010-2011년 학업을 위한 오디션은 2010년 봄에 이루어질 것이다. 오디션의 다음 시가는 고로 2012년으로 예정되어 있다.

트레이닝 과정을 위하여 PARTS는 유럽의 여러 지역과 유럽외의 몇몇 지역에서 예선을 조직한다. 예선은 브뤼셀에서의 4일간 이루어질 최종 오디션의 참가를 결정한다.

곧바로 연구 과정을 들어가기 바라는 후보자들을 위하여 예선이나 서류를 통한 후보지원서 그리고 브뤼셀에서의 최종 오디션의 자주적인 절차가 있다.

-2010년 트레이닝 과정 오디션 (2009년 3월 기준)

트레이닝 과정 등록은 정해진 예선 최소 10일전에 등록을 마쳐야 한다. 등록 양식은 2009년 11월 수업신청만 가능하다. 대략 등록 후 일주일, 등록 확인증을 받게 된다. 첫 예선에서 최근에 찍은 증명사진 2장이 필요하다: 여러분은 우편이나 직업 예선시 사진을 지참하여햐 한다. 자세한 내용의 이력서를 가지고 오거나 보낼 수 있지만 필요조건은 아니다.

우편주소 : Marijke Vandersmissen/ PARTS, Av. Van Volxem 164 1190 Brussels Belgique.

예선 참가비용은 10유로이며 최종 오디션 참가비용은 무료이다.

-2010년 연구 과정 오디션 (2009년 3월 기준)

예선 : 2가지 가능성

1. 예선들 중 한곳에 참가. 절차와 예선 리스트는 2009년 가을에 공지 된다.

2. PARTS에 후보 지원 서류를 보낸다. 서류의 자세한 사항이나 마감일은 2009년 가을에 공지된다. 선발 위원회는 늦어도 최종 오디션 한 달 전 여러분의 최종 오디션 참가 여부를 결정하여 알려 줄 것이다.

** 예선에 참가하거나 지원 서류를 보내거나 2가지 방법 중 한 가지를 선택해야한다.

▪ 수업료와 등록비

수업 등록비는 미정 (자세한 내용은 학교로 문의.)

연간 등록비 : 2500유로+식사 포함 (자세한 내용은 학교로 문의.)

트레이닝이나 연구 과정의 총 금액은 7500유로이다.

따라서, 4년간의 교육비 금액은 12500유로이며 식비가 포함이다.



▪ Q & A (2009년 3월 작성) 

1. What are the selection criteria?

- Training + Research: PARTS is looking for dancers, dance makers and choreographers with intuition and openness, physical intelligence, clarity and purity in movement, physical potential, stage presence and charisma, general development and intelligence, capacity for observing, mental availability, capacity for looking and listening, the capacity to quickly digest new information.

2. Is the Research Cycle directed towards dancers, choreographers or both?

- Training: The curriculum of the Training Cycle is mostly a dance training program. But in workshops such as composition, repertoire and the task to create a duet and a solo in the 2nd year, there is also room to develop your choreographic skills.

Research: In the Research Cycle, students can specify if they want to concentrate on the deepening of their dancing or of their choreographic skills. There is more room for choreographic development, both within workshops and the ability to create personal work. PARTS has only a limited amount of studio space available for personal work, so the amount of projects that can take place in a certain period is limited.

3.  Training or Research Cycle?

- Candidates are encouraged to make a choice for the Training or the Research Cycle.

In many cases, even for candidates of 21 years old who have followed several years of professional dance training, the Training Cycle is still a very appropriate choice, due to PARTS' specificity and particular artistic options. The understanding of improvisation, composition, release technique, theatre and music acquired by a PARTS student in the Training Cycle is indispensable to successfully following the Research Cycle. For most students in training or having already completed a training course, the material from the Training Cycle is complementary to the curriculum already followed.

After the final audition for the first cycle, no more candidates for the first cycle can be accepted. So there is no possibility to participate in the audition for the Research Cycle, and then to be accepted in the Training Cycle.

When you cannot decide whether the Training or the Research Cycle should be the best for you, we advise you to participate in a pre-selection for the Training Cycle and to speak with the selection responsible – he or she could give you advice.

4. I am older or younger than the age limit for one of the cycles. Can I participate in the preselection for the Training Cycle?

- Training + Research: If you are younger than the age limit, you can participate in the audition, but only if you are sure you will have the necessary diploma (High School diploma for Training Cycle, BA in Dance for Research Cycle) before September 1st, 2010.

If you are older than the age limit, you should know that only by rare exception PARTS takes in candidates that passed over the age limit. You can participate in the audition, but you should be aware that you have little chance getting accepted in the school.

5. I do not have a high school diploma. Can I participate in the preselection for the Training Cycle?

- Training: If you will not have a high school diploma before September 1st, 2010, you cannot participate. Even if you are selected, but you have no diploma by September 1st, 2010, you will not be allowed to enter the school.

6. I do not have a BA diploma in Dance but I have at least 3 years of professional experience as a dancer. Can I apply for the Research Cycle?

- This is not possible.

7. Do I need to send or bring recommendation letters and a cv to the audition?

-Training: You don’t have to send a cv and recommendation letters, nor bring them to the audition. We have all the information we need from your inscription form.

Research: If you apply through a preselection, you don’t have to send a cv and recommendation letters, nor bring them to the audition. If you apply with a dossier for the final audition of the Research Cycle, a cv and recommendation letters are necessary items.

8. Can I send in an application dossier for the Research Cycle and participate in a preselection for the Research Cycle?

-Research: No, you have to make a choice which way you want to take.

9. Do I make more chance doing the preselection for the Research Cycle than sending in an application dossier?

-Research: No. Both formats have specific qualities. In a preselection, you can show more of your qualities as a dancer, but there is also room for creative work. With the application dossier, you can stress more your creative qualities in explaining your work, but there is also room for the dancing through the required video.

10. How do I know if I can participate in a preselection?

- Training + Research: One week after sending in your application form, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. If you have not received this until a few days before the preselection, contact Marijke Vandersmissen at the PARTS office.

11. What will happen during the preselection?

- Training: The preselection will consist of three activities: a ballet class, a contemporary class (both lasting 90 minutes) and the showing of a personal phrase.

The personal phrase has to last maximum 1 minute, without music, costumes or props. It can be a phrase choreographed by you or by someone else, an autonomous phrase or an excerpt of a larger work. It is allowed to improvise, but one has to be ready to repeat this improvised phrase.

Research: The preselection will consist of a contemporary dance class and a personal work. The precise format of the personal work will be explained in an email to the registered candidates a week before the preselection.

12. How long will the preselection last?

- Training + Research: The exact length of a preselection varies according to the number of participants, but usually around 6 hours; take this into account when you need to book travels beforehand. If you are not sure, contact Marijke Vandersmissen at the PARTS office.

13. When do we know if we are selected for the final audition?

- Training + Research: The selection is made on the day of the preselection, maximum two hours after the end of the audition. If you have to leave earlier, you should warn the selection responsible, and call the PARTS office the next week to know your result. Candidates who have been selected for the final audition will receive a confirmation letter, which they also can use for getting visa.

14 When do I know if my application dossier for the final audition of the Research Cycle is accepted?

- Research: the deadlines will be announced later.

15. What will happen during the final audition?

- Training: The final audition will last several days and consists of classes in ballet, contemporary techniques, repertory, improvisation and theatre. You will have to write a short essay in English, and have a personal talk with a teacher or staff member.

Research: The final audition will last several days and consists of classes in ballet, contemporary techniques, repertory, improvisation and theatre. You will also receive a creative assignment for which you receive studio time to prepare. During the second part of the final audition, the students of the 2nd year of PARTS who are candidate to go to the Research Cycle will join the final audition.

16. When do we know if we are selected to come to PARTS?

- Training + Research: During the final audition, an intermediate selection will be made after two days: those who are not selected then cannot participate in the remainder of the audition. The final selection will be made one week after the end of the final audition, so you do not have to stay around waiting for confirmation.

17. Is there a dress code for the auditions?

- Training + Research: The candidate must wear clothing that permits correct observation by the teacher. Wide clothes or too many layers of clothes hinder the precise observation of the position and workings of the body. For classical classes there is a dress code: ankles, knees and hips must be clearly discernible. Students need to wear flat ballet slippers and tights (or legging or leotard).

18. Do I make more chance auditioning in Brussels rather than elsewhere?

- Training + Research: The preselections are carried out by the same group of people for all the preselections, holding on the same criteria for evaluation. Moreover, auditions in Brussels are usually more crowded than in some other places.

19. All the places for the preselections are extremely far from where I live. What do I do?

- Training: If you have trouble finding the right spot for a preselection, please contact Marijke Vandersmissen who will give you advice. But under no circumstance it is possible to participate in the final audition without having passed through a preselection.

Research: You can choose the procedure of the application dossier. But under no circumstance it is possible to participate in the final audition without having passed through a preselection or approval of your dossier.

20. The preselections for the Research Cycle in Brussels and New York are too far for me, but one of the preselections for the Training Cycle is closer to where I live. Can participation in a preselection for the Training Cycle also count for the Research Cycle?

- Research: No. If you can’t make it to the preselection, you can apply by dossier.

21. Can PARTS financially support my coming to Brussels for the final audition or the preselection for the Research Cycle?

- Training + Research: No, we can't. We will give you a list with cheap accommodation in Brussels. Contact Marijke Vandersmissen if you have serious trouble getting to Brussels.

22. How many students does PARTS take in?

Training: 32-36 candidates.

Research: 20-25 candidates, including students who finished the Training Cycle at PARTS.

23. Does PARTS provide scholarships?

- Training + Research: PARTS can provide some scholarships to those students that do not have enough financial resources and have not succeeded in getting scholarships from other funding bodies, but for scholarships PARTS depends on external sources, so nothing can be guaranteed. Even if you are not yet sure if you will be accepted or not, it is good to start looking around for scholarship funds in your own country, and start up the application procedure, because in many cases waiting until the final confirmation is after the application deadlines. If you need help or documents from PARTS, contact the office.

24. Can you send me a brochure or prospectus?

- Training + Research: Unfortunately we have no printed material about PARTS. Please check the website where you can find the necessary information. If you still have further questions, contact the PARTS office.

You can also buy the book 'P.A.R.TS. - Documenting 10 years of contemporary dance education'. This book contains a lot of interesting information and stories about PARTS. The book can be ordered online, for 20 Euros plus shipping. If you are interested, go to the 'News & activities' section.

25. Can I visit the school?

- Training + Research: this is only possible on selected dates such as the Open House. Check the news section of the website for dates.



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